JFA structure events are street-outreach demonstrations, and they have three main components:
A structure of volunteers dressed in pure plain black (or JFA attire) and holding screens showing standard practices of animal agriculture. For this event, these individuals will be silent and wearing sunglasses or semi-see-through blindfolds (for theming and anonymity).
Outreachers who engage bystanders who've stopped to watch the footage. These conversations focus on education and critical thinking about speciesism. JFA resource cards and literature are available for when closing conversations.
Photography and video recording, as our number of volunteers allows.
These events are nonviolent, effective, perfect for first-time activists, and open to everyone—vegans and nonvegans. Each event begins with a briefing and ends with a debrief, and legality is never a concern. All events are held on public property.
All equipment and materials are provided. Just wear plain black and bring a friend.