Can't Change
I can’t change your age, faith, friends, god, health, job, meals, mind, past, pets, pride, teeth, ways, blood type, business, canines, clothing, culture, diet, ethics, groceries, habits, hobbies, home life, “journey,” manhood, morals, muscle, plane crash, pleasure, restaurants, struggles, taste buds, values, addictions, ancestors, attitude, callousness, commandments, coworkers, discomfort, evolved state, family, financial state, heritage, holidays, hopelessness, manliness, profession, readiness, recipes, religion, tolerance, tradition, upbringing, cynicism, desert island, grasp of logic, humanism, intolerance, iron intake, nihilism, philosophy, priorities, protein intake, rebelliousness, self-delusion, sense of justice, skepticism, source of income, trajectory, amino acids, athleticism, disabilities, energy levels, impression of me, irrationality, loyalty to truth, sense of right and wrong, circle of compassion, history with violence, impression of my friends, impression of vegans, regard for the planet, spirituality, capacity for empathy, experiences with vegans, regard for the environment, regard for your fellow human beings, tolerance for discrimination, experiences with veganism, regard for any and all life on earth, or responsibility to all those who come after you.
But I can change your perspective.