Before I Was Vegan
Before I was vegan, I would spend my weekends playing board games alone, getting out by going to cafés.
Before I was vegan, I would walk shopping malls just to feel amongst people, using breaks to force me to write.
Before I was vegan, I would spend days and paychecks on bookstores and words, leaving always with more than I’d read.
Before I was vegan, I would walk trails for hours and listen to podcasts, their narrators my adventuring party.
Before I was vegan, I would role-play in dungeons and use games for story, remaking my identity and days.
Before I was vegan, I would escape into universes and places of movies, wanting fiction much more than reality.
Before I was vegan, I would think deep at night on the meaninglessness of life, wishing it’d all finally leave me.
Before I was vegan, my life was mine but I couldn’t less want it. Now all those thoughts have gone away.
For my life is theirs now.