4 Minutes

10 Minutes

Event Log
Starting April 5, 2022, Justice for Animals began tracking the following details of our pay-per-view events.
JFA pay-per-views are informational video events, and they have three main components:
Viewing and listening devices loaded with a 4-minute video that shows and describes the standard practices of animal agriculture.
A monetary incentive for bystanders to watch the video.
A follow-up conversation for those who are interested.
These events are nonviolent, effective, and perfect as solo or two-person activism. All events are held on public property. All equipment and materials are provided.
Best Practices
Do not have anything with vegan messaging visible
If asked what the footage is about, here are a few possible responses:
It's about our food system
It's about animal agriculture
It's about the ______ industry
During post-viewing conversations, be clear that speciesism is the problem and veganism (not reducetarianism) is the goal
If asked if we are PETA, clarify that we are not—we are Justice for Animals, an independent local organization
If asked about our source of funding, clarify that we rely both on self-funding and charitable donations
For signage, it can be useful to avoid mentioning a dollar amount; this generates more curiosity and allows you to always use the same signs
If possible, visibly hold and show cash, either with a sign or alone
QR codes are effective for providing links to resources without revealing what the demonstration is about
If young viewers wish to watch, be clear that the video contains strong footage but that they may stop the video anytime and keep the money
We recommend paying a $2 bill per view; $2 bills get a lot of interest and attention and leave viewers with a souvenir
Pay viewers before they watch; this shows trust and is a positive surprise for the viewer, and it makes it easy to track who's been paid
If a viewer does not watch the entire video, let them keep the money
If you change the amount being paid per view mid-event, do so while no viewers are around
We recommend using What Cody Saw, although similar videos, such as 10 Billion Lives and Farm to Fridge, are acceptable.
After a viewer has finished watching the video:
Engage them in conversation about it if they seem interested
Offer them supplementary resources (JFA card, literature, etc.) if they seem interested
Clean the headphones with a sanitary wipe
Ensure the device screen has returned to its pre-video state
At each event:
Track the number of conversations had
Track the dollar amount paid per view that day
Track the total dollar amount paid to viewers
Take photos if and when possible
After each event, send the following to Isaac Nickerson:
The date, time, and location of the event
The number and names of volunteers present
The number of conversations had
The dollar amount paid per view that day
The total dollar amount paid to viewers
Photos for posting on the website
The general response (positive, negative, etc.) from viewers
Any particularly noteworthy interactions (positive or negative)
Any insights gained that could be used for process improvements
Any funds, equipment, or resources needed for future events
Never leave equipment unattended
Secure viewing devices to the table
Hold events only on public property or private property you've been permitted to use
If a viewer objects to their photo being taken, delete the photo
Avoid obstructing the banners
Avoid an "empty table"; when there are no viewers, have a volunteer watch
Minimize distractions, such as phone use
Alcohol wipes - for cleaning headphones after use
Audio splitters (6) - one per iPad
Banners (2) - six feet long, one per long table side
Bike lock (1) - for middle of table, for tying iPads to
Bungies (2) - for securing table to handcart
Cash - $200+ in two-dollar bills
Clicker counter - optional
DSLR camera - ideally DSLR
Handcart - for transporting table
Headphones (12) - two per iPad
iPads (6) - three per long table side, one per short table side
JFA cards - for after viewings/conversations
Literature - for after viewings/conversations
Locks (4) - one per bottom banner corner, for weight
QR code buttons (6) - three per long table side
Safety pins (6) - three per banner, for securing to tablecloth
Shoelaces (6) - one per iPad, for tying to bike lock
Signs - for holding
Table - folding, six feet long
Tablecloth - fitted
Water - for hydration