Torture Victim

I Am a Torture Victim

Screams surrounded my skinnings

Boils bubbled from my burns

Gags gasped through my gassings

Craze clung to my cage

Blood blackened my beatings

Bones buckled when I broke

Dizziness doused my druggings

Revulsion racked in my rape

Shrieks shook from my shockings

Chafing chewed through my chains

Pain pealed from my pluckings

Mercy mocked my mutilation

Gashes grew from my gorings

Cacophanous cries crept from cuts

Tears torrented from tearings

Suffering spiked suffocation

Balefulness brought on my butchery

Desire dealt in my drowning

Ignorance imagines I was insensitive

Knowledge knows the hell I knew

I was your farmed animal

And 60 billion brethren were bred for the same